Clan Rokke

Clan Rökkr is a dark Nord clan that brings together those who shun the light. Vampires, werewolves, and necromancers are welcomed to walk along our dark path. Like other Nord clans, we live in Skyrim and honor its ways, but we accept all races—especially those shunned from Nord society.

Won't you join us in the shadows?

OOC Information

Clan Rökkr is a dark role-playing Nord clan based primarily in Skyrim, including Falkreath Hold, Craglorn and the Reach. Our characters range the gambit from simple thieves to decades-old vampires.

Players can expect DMed events centered around intrigue and combat alongside other social roleplay that emphasizes character drama and growth. We also offer in-character merit-based titles and magic items to enhance your character's standing within the guild!

When you join the clan you start as a Drengir. As you begin to attend events and participate eventually you will be able to walk your "path." This specialization is meant for your character to have a frame of reference within the clan. At no time will we ever bar a character from attending an event. The paths you can choose from include:

Berserkir. Armed warriors, using skill and fortitude to see enemies perish. Those who find themselves drawn more toward bounty or monster hunting may walk this path.

Útlaga. Wielding the darkness like a tool, they slink through shadows, unseen, in order to liberate goods (or enslave people). Thieves, slavers or assassins should choose this path to walk.

Cleverfólk. These skillful mages push the very limits of magic, ignoring silly things like ethics. Mages of all disciplines should walk this path.

We're based in the Eastern U.S. timezone, but our events start around 8:00-9:00 PM EST. Currently, we run two official guild events a week-- A low-key tavern night at different player housing, and our official guild plot event on Sundas.

We're always looking to participate in other guild events as they make sense.

Notes on Lore and Acceptable Characters...

The Elder Scrolls lore is vast, deep and intriguing. It's also vague and at times contradictory. We do our best to adhere to how vampirism and other afflictions are presented in ESO, drawing in from other games as necessary. Occasionally we may use outside terms, such as "childe," from Vampire the Masquerade to substitute some of the day-to-dayness of being a vampire.

This extends to other parts of the lore, such as magic and travel distances. Characters are allowed a certain wiggle room in what flavor of magic they can cast and use. We embrace concepts like gray necromancy. Basically, we use lore as a guidepost for our roleplay, but not a rulebook.

Acceptable character concepts must include fallibility. We're looking for characters who have an arc to grow and change with the clan. While we accept lawful evil characters, they must be able to take orders from IC guild leaders and get along reasonably well with the group. Evil characters who serve to disrupt our roleplay through in-character unbelievable actions (like suddenly transforming into a werewolf and attacking a town) are not allowed.

Extremely overpowered characters such as; liches, Daedra and demi-gods, ancient characters (defined as being around since before the beginning of the Second Era), child-like characters, characters whose race is either outside of TES, from a "mythic" TES race such as Lilmothiit or half-race characters that are an attempt to skirt around this rule (as per Notes on Racial Phylogeny it don't work that way, anyway) are not allowed.

Clan Rules In and Out of Character

The in-character rules are simple:

Those who pledge themselves to the clan are expected to protect the clan. In exchange, we welcome you as one of us and pledge to protect you in return.

Those who walk in the Twilight are expected to stay in the Twilight. Its secrets are paramount.

Out of character there's a little more to it... Here is what we expect from our members:

We expect you to treat all members with respect, including guild leadership.

We expect you to be able to take, "No thank you," for an answer.

We expect you to respect character autonomy, and practice OOC consent when RPing.

We are an inclusive guild, welcoming people and characters who are LGBTQIA. There will be no out of character racism, sexism, transphobia, or harassing language used meant to diminish other members.

Guild Plot

During the First Era, when Atmorans originally began to settle Tamriel, there was a force. The Primus Obscura swept through parts of High Rock, Wrothgar and Skyrim on command of their warrior king. However, suddenly, the force mysteriously declined and was lost from most written history.

And the story would've ended there...

The Primus Obscura was reformed under a manipulative lich to be used for his own dark purpose. Eventually those under him rebelled, overthrowing his reign and destroying his phylactery.

They created Clan Rökkr from the ashes of the Primus Obscura. Led by Ulrik Dusk-Bringer, the clan calls to any who shun the light to walk in darkness. Within the walls of its hall, even those outcast from Nord society can find a home.

Clan Hierarchy and Details

Clan Rökkr is a small, secretive Nord clan hidden deep within the woods of Falkreath. They are not well-known among other clans, preferring to stay out of any large entanglements that threaten Skyrim. Somewhat traditionalistic, they honor the Nord pantheon, although the clan openly welcomes all races.

The clan claims to make its money through peacekeeping the wild borders of Falkreath, supplanted by delves into the ancient tombs of Craglorn. The land belonging to the clan is set to the south of Falkreath Hold, providing some small measure of farming and lumber.

The leader of Clan Rökkr is Ulrik Dusk-Bringer. As with other Nord clans, Ulrik is expected to make decisions for the whole of the clan and speak with his members' voices among other Nords.

But there's a hidden side to the clan as well. Unknown to all but its members, Clan Rökkr is also a pack of vampires and lycans, along with loyal mortals who work to keep this secret safe. To learn this knowledge and join the clan one must be prepared to put Rökkr first, always.

Fealty toward the clan is expected and required. You are either a part of the Twilight, or you are not. Those who join can expect access to dark magic, ancient wisdom, and protection from those who wish to harm all who traverse the underbelly of Skyrim's harsh landscape.

How to Apply

We're always looking for interesting characters and motivated players who can help us tell stories. The application process is simple. Please reach out to @birchwitch#3755 on Discord with the following information...

Information on your character's personality and flaws, preferably a bio from ESO-RP or Carrd.

Their reason for seeking out and joining Clan Rökkr. Or their purpose in interacting with us.

Your personal experience with roleplay.



Borrowed from the tongue of dragons, this word means child of twilight. The Kulsuvulaan vampiric bloodline does not call Molag Bal its master. Instead they’ve been given power from the Red Star—Mehrunes Dagon. Reforged in the fires of the Deadlands their bloodline is expressed in unique ways.

Secretive and new, what information there is on the Kulsuvulaan is based on rumors and conjecture. These abilities and weaknesses describe generally what they can do, but should not act as a complete telling of all their secrets...

Daywalking—When well-fed the Kulsuvulaan are nearly indistinguishable from mortals. Their one signature feature are silver-colored eyes.

Fire Acuity—Unlike their Bal-made brethren, the Kulsuvulaan need not fear fire. Some of their bloodline gain an ability known as frostburn, and are capable of creating ice so cold it literally burns.

Enhanced Stamina—A freshly fed Kulsuvulaan can run for miles and perform feats of strength well beyond mortals.

Susceptibility to Shock—Although ice and fire causes them no special harm, their resistance is greatly weakened toward lightning and shock-based magical attacks.

Silvered Weapons—Like others of their kind, Kulsuvulaan vampires are susceptible to silver weapons. When it touches their skin it burns like they've been struck with a red-hot iron, and they will not be able to heal until the silver is expunged.

Bloodrage—When surrounded by the chaotic nature of battle, those of the bloodline lose control and fall into a rage. They become capable of destroying all, enemy and ally, unless they are stopped.

Gnawing Hunger—When a Kulsuvulaan stops feeding is when they’re at their most dangerous. Beyond battle, starvation is the quickest way to cause them to fall into a bloodrage. They need to feed almost nightly, and have a tendency to kill their victims.

Sluggish Healing—For whatever reason the Kulsuvulaan strain tends to heal slower. It's unknown if they can enhance their healing abilities in some other way. However, the more harm they take the more likely they are to fall into a bloodrage.